
A database of art actions that have taken place as part of #OccupyWallStreet

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Entries in notary (1)



We have a window here, change will happen, to begin to think about what is wanted, not not wanted, has many levels of meaning and action. In order to properly Notarize these statements I need valid Identification. As one attests to who they are (that is actually what I am notarizing) they must form their thoughts about what a new world might look like, dually they state these envisionments, and by this act, include themselves in helping to make their vision a reality. Its illocutionary, my dear. Actually in the laws of the Notary, we are held to what we say (and we must say what we say Aloud!), or we will be committing perjury. However I do not threaten perjury to happy occupiers and visitors, but an opportunity to think for themselves what it is they want. This is not by consensus, but will be made into a collection. I plan to make this into a document that can stand as an archive of thoughts of this time of change. To be used in what way seems best, a library, for further action, research -  however, as time will tell. For now it is important to document this sentiment and initiate the forming and annunciation of these affirmations.