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InterOccupy Arts Call [#3/21]

Spring Resurgence: A Season of Resistance!

InterOccupy Arts Call | Wed March 21 | 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific 

As Occupy and 'The 99%' movement comes through its first winter, a historic amount of beautiful resistance and transformation is ready to burst onto the scene! Join this call to connect with artists and organizers from a range of actions and projects about to bloom. Come ready to hear and share exciting projects to cultivate and multiply your own! 

Register for the call


  • National Trainings and Direct Actions | 99% Spring; Joy Cushman - New Organizing Institute
  •  Strategic Arts Organizing|  modules from a new guidebook; Dave Mitchell - "Beautiful Trouble" co-editor
  •  Occupy Their Homes | Shareholder Spring; Ben Master - United NY
  •  The Commons are Everywhere | Occupy Town Square; Lucky - OWS Town Squares affinity group
  • ...and more to be announced soon!

There will be breakouts sessions where we will all have a chance to discuss and share plans to make our spring stronger, and continue to build the occupy movement. 

If you have never registered for one of these calls, register here (we recommend doing it now, as last minute registrations don't always work). 


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